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Oxalis, I Love You!

Some Folks Call it a Weed.

As for me? NEVER!

It's a lovely little purple flower with rounded shamrock leaves. It's hearty and doesn't require any work to keep it going. No watering, no plant food, no fuss, no digging holes. It spreads and thickens without fertilizing. So...Ok, yes when I put it that way, I just described a "weed". Shame on me. I love Oxalis!

I call it my beautiful purple flowering freebie!

Plant it once and it will be bountiful in no time. You can easily divide it and grow it all over your property or share it with friends. You too will soon be known as their purple flower freebie friend!

My first introduction to this purple flowering beauty also know as Wood Sorrel, was at Surfside Beach, SC. My parents had inherited some when they bought their beach cottage. It was in an area that got a good bit of shade. In fact, Oxalis is known for loving a shady area with light sun. I find that mine does best with morning sun here in the Southeast. I do have some planted in the full sun. It's gorgeous in the spring, but in the summer it scorches and takes a slumber. However when fall comes with cooler temperatures, it's back for round two. I do absolutely nothing to it. It is marvelous!

Really, you will know where it works best in your climate simply by planting it in various areas around your property. When you have found the sweet spot that it loves, you will know!

Some People Throw it in a Trash Bag!

As I mentioned before, years ago I got my first batch from my parent's house at the beach, which is 4 hours from where I live. We threw some in a trash bag and drove home with it. I can say with certainty we probably didn't plant it it until the next day. We probably never even thought about it sitting there in the bag. But it didn't matter. It was as happy as a clam, and became our starter batch. Did I mention it was HEARTY? It's worth mentioning again.

Safe for Kids and Chickens - Oops! Accidentally Tested This Theory.

I would never suggest that anyone go out in the yard and nibble on any plant. But in the case of one cheeky teenager who I looked over and saw was chewing on some Oxalis (Eagle Scout), I can attest that it is safe in small amounts, if someone takes a nibble.

I can also say that unfortunately, I learned the hard way that CHICKENS LOVE IT. Be assured that your beautiful flowering display can be wiped out in an instant if you let your feathered friends near it. It must taste good, as chickens are actually kind of picky!

But don't fret. It will return again.

Yes, You Can Order Oxalis Bulbs Online!

Great News! If you're looking for a fun and pretty plant that will spruce up your flowers beds, add color to a border wall, or make a pretty base for your favorite tree, you should try some Oxalis! Bulbs can easily be ordered online if you do not have a purple flower freebie friend who can gift you some. After your first season, you should be able to transplant more from your original batch, year after year.


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